The Cabin by The Lake – Soothing Nature Bedtime Story Script
Before we begin, allow yourself to arrive. Let of the day and find your perfect resting position. Whenever you’re ready, I invite you to close your eyes. Allow body and mind to unwind. Feel the entire body supported by the bed. Feel the outline of the body, its position. Feel the body’s weight and density. Sense the entire body being held by your bed. Feel the gentle pull of gravity drawing you deeper and deeper into relaxation. There is no need to try to do anything at all. It’s time now for complete rest. Let go of any need to control, manage, or analyze. Give yourself permission to let go of what happened earlier in the day. For now, your only task is rest. Remind yourself: I am safe, I am supported, and I choose to be here.
And now… Imagine yourself in a beautiful house by the lake, surrounded by green forests and mountains. Maybe the house is spacious and bright, with large windows overlooking the lake. Or it’s a small hut. Paint it on your inner canvas and imagine it in all facets.
You walk down the stairs to the outside. The air is pure and clear – filled with the scent of summer flowers. On this beautiful summer day, you see the flowerbeds that are planted around your cabin. A light breeze blows, bringing with it the scent of spring flowers and fresh moss.
A white-painted fence surrounds your house and in the back there is a beautiful garden where fresh vegetables and herbs grow. Stepping outside, you walk towards the lake and beginn to see the water sparkling in front of you.
You are directly on the shore. Now, sit down on a bench on the shore and breathe the fresh air in deeply. The birds are chirping and you hear the lapping of the water against the rocks. You feel completely relaxed and blissful.
If you like, take some conscious deep breaths now. Begin to inhale into the belly, filling the torso up from bottom to top, as if you’re filing a vessel with water. Hold at the top of the breath, and as you exhale feel a wave of relaxation from your head down to your toes. Taking another full belly inhale, holding at the top. When you are ready, exhale and feel the tension draining out of your body. Taking one more full complete breath in, and as you exhale allow the body to completely let go.
Enjoy the peace and harmony of your surroundings. Paint this lake onto your inner canvas and visualise it in detail just the way it suits you best. This place is your gateway to self-confidence. Your safe-space of peace and inner calm. Give yourself the alowness, to leave everything burdensome behind and breath in the harmony of this place, while letting all the stresses and worries out.
Now take a walk around the lake. The path is lined with tall trees – Sometimes it goes to the left, sometimes to the right. It leads you to a small bay that is shielded from the rest of the lake. Here the water is crystal clear and you can see the fish swimming under the surface. You sit down on a stone and watch the lakes reflecting its surroundings.
In the smooth surface you can catch sight of yourself. You see yourself in the golden light of the sun. Take some time to recognize the outline of your body. Allow yourself to just look at you without judging. Gaze to the reflection of your face. You may also want to look into your own eyes. Just look at you. Feel free to give yourself a smile or a wink. Notice yourself at your own pace and just observe.
A light wind comes up and ripples the surface. The branches of the trees move and a bright sunbeam hits the lake in full force. Your entire reflection is lit by the golden sun and with this, take some time to perceive yourself again. The surface smooths out and you see yourself being happy. Maybe it is a beautiful moment in your life when you felt strong and happy. Perhaps it’s something you just experienced recently, or something more far away. They exist, these moments, just take your time to remember them. Little moments of strength, confidence and happiness. Find a memory, believe me, there was one or another occasion. Trust your subconscious, it will find it for you. Let your ideas unfold freely and sink deeper into them.
Remember your strength and confidence. Look at your reflection in the lake and see how it shines in the golden rays of the sun and grows in size. Notice the cheerfulness in your face and how good it feels. Observe yourself in this lake and take in all the feelings deeply. Allow yourself to stay with those positive, new feelings of energy for a moment. Enjoy the sunlit lake. The tall trees weaving in the wind. The warm sun on your face.
After a while, you get up and return to the house to make yourself comfortable on the porch. You drink a cup of tea with fresh herbs from your garden and enjoy the view of the lake. Do you perhaps have any favourite herbs? Maybe Thymian, Lemongrass or Peppermint. Breathe in the aroma while resting in this soothing setting. Observe it; imagine it with all your senses. Remember the strength and energy you gained earlier at the lake.
Slowly the sun is setting and its bathing the whole lake in colors of orange and yellow. The entire place is sun-lit and you can feel this special energy and peace surrounding you here. Let yourself be fully embraced by the silence and beauty of this place and allow yourself to let your body and mind relax. The peaceful mood lets you completely let go and you feel happy and free.
At some point you make your way into the house to change for dinner. The kitchen is well equipped and you prepare a delicious meal. As you do, you hear the sound of the wind in the trees and the lapping of the water on the shore. It’s a beautiful evening and you can truly be grateful to be in this wonderful place. You prepare a delicious meal for dinner consisting of fresh vegetables from your garden. The smell of steamed vegetables fills the house and brings back memories of long, sunny summer evenings. You garnish the meal with fresh herbs you picked in the garden that afternoon and add a squeeze of lemon juice.
As you sit at the dining table enjoying the meal, you deeply inhale the scent of herbs and lemon and feel a wave of nostalgia and peace. Those small moments. Even enjoying a meal with full senses can get lost in our everyday life. It’s so important to appreciate the little things. A warm roof. A meal. Nature. You can truly be grateful, just allow yourself to sharpen your mind to the positive things that are all around you.
Think of all the wonderful moments you have spent in places like this and feel grateful for this wonderful moment. The scents of the herbs you use for dinner are fresh and spicy. You use basil, rosemary and thyme, or other herbs that all have their own distinctive scent. The basil gives off a sweet, slightly anise-like scent, while the rosemary has a spicy, wake-up scent. Thyme, on the other hand, has a strong, spicy scent reminiscent of oregano. The blend of these scents is wonderful and awakens a deep contemplation in you. Notice how your body and mind relax and you focus on the here and now. The beauty and silence of the place around you help you lose yourself completely in the moment, forgetting all worries and fears.
After your dinner, you sit back contentedly and let the calm and beauty of the place envelop you. Remember the strength you have gained by the lake and in your cabin. Do you notice how important those moment for ourselves are? The night is slowly approaching, but what stays are the distant sounds of the waves. Slowly you hear the chirping of cicadas. You are one with nature – but also becoming one with yourself. Remember, that you deserve soothing and relaxing time for you. Time like you spend here at this wonderful lake. You deserve to unwind and to let go, to simply forget about everything else, that is non important now. Those moments are so important. You deserve to gather strength and energy. You are worthy. Remember, that when we take the time to reflect from a distance, we can grow and overcome the past. Just allow yourself to be in this moment. To enjoy this moment just for you and yourself. Always come back to the cabin by the lake, when you want to unwind from a safe distance – when wanting to gather strength and energy.
Tomorrow will be a beautiful day, which you will master with new strength, energy and self-confidence. But for now… the warming lights of your cabin envelop you… if you look outside, you see thousands, if not millions of stars shining down on the water of the lake, reflecting each and everyone of them. Sometimes you see a shooting star. Make a wish. You can feel happy and content in knowing that you will remember this wonderful moment forever. Go to your bed in your cabin when you feel tired. And then sink into the most restful and peaceful sleep you have ever had. Dream of the cabin by the lake and all the strength and confidence that has always slumbered deep within you. Sleep well.